Archive: graphene
Startup Status Report: Avadain Makes an Exciting Discovery
By Early Investing on May 4, 2023
When we first recommended Avadain in June 2022, we were blown away by the company’s take on the next “super material” — aka graphene. Graphene can withstand incredible amounts of stress without breaking. And it’s nearly a perfect electrical conductor. Avadain makes nearly flawless graphene flakes that are 200 times stronger than steel and 1 million times thinner than a sheet of paper. Avadain’s graphene flakes have a staggering number of…
New Pick: An Affordable Super Material With Hundreds of Potential Uses
By Andy Gordon on June 2, 2022
There will never be a “next” Facebook or Google or Airbnb. Companies are a product of a specific time, place, technology know-how and need. It’s as if the universe wills them into existence. Of course, founders play an important role. But there are a lot of…